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Man sitting on a beach in workout clothes holding a water bottle after working out.

Sports and Fitness Panel

Genetic variants influence injury risk, recovery, power and endurance performance.The results from our genetic test will provide insight into various biological areas that impact training responsiveness and sporting performance, optimal exercise selection, and injury/recovery strategies.

The test is suitable for recreational athlete looking to maximize their fitness potential and elite performance athletes all striving to reach peak levels of conditioning.

What We Test

Endurance / Sprint Potential

Slow/Fast Twitch Muscle

Peak Muscle Power + 2 more

Exercise Response

Weight Loss Response to Exercise

Insulin Sensitivity Response to Exercise + 11 more

Skeletal Injury Risk


ACL Injury

Hamstring Stiffness + 17 more


VO2 Max Potential & Baseline

Ventilatory Threshold

Muscle Function

Muscle Cramping

Creatine Kinase Levels 

Soreness Post Exercise + 6 more

Sports Specific + More

Altitude Performance

Gymnastics Potential

Height Potential + 33 more

Designed For:

Elite or Recreational Athletes

People looking to maximize their fitness potential

People who injure easily

People not seeing results from their current routine

People searching to find their endurance vs. power potential

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